Hypnotherapy Associates Blog

Mar 2014
  • Panic Attacks


    by on Wed 12 Mar 2014 12:04:46 GMT

    How to be free of Panic Attacks

    In recent times we have been seeing more and more people who are seeking help for panic attacks.  If you have ever had a panic attack yourself, you will know how terrifying they can feel and how they seem to be uncontrollable. Whilst it is true that panic attacks can be terrifying and seemingly difficult to control, there are actually some really simple explanations for their occurrence.  We are only human, and the perceived demands of living in the modern world seem to push us to operate at a level that is beyond what is comfortable.  Whilst the stress this creates is quite manageable when it only happens occasionally, if we push too hard and for too long we will usually suffer exhaustion and chronic stress.

    When we are exhausted we are less able to deal with stress, and so the body, mind, and nervous system starts to accumulate a build-up. A panic attack is what happens when stress levels reach a point that is no longer manageable or sustainable. A panic attack is the body’s way of discharging excess stress and rebalancing itself – this natural process is known as homeostasis. Homeostasis is an essential regulatory mechanism of the organism, and even though panic attacks feel scary and out of control, they are actually a sign of a human body functioning perfectly well!

    Aside from chronic stress, another cause of panic attacks can be unresolved shame. Shame is a difficult emotion at the best of times, and it is often one that we are completely alone with. Shame is what we experience when we act in a way that is against our own moral code, when we ‘betray’ our own values. Unresolved shame causes stress and anxiety in two ways. One, is that we cannot relax whilst we are holding onto unresolved shame, and the other is that we often find ourselves putting on an act – a mask so that friends and colleagues don’t see what we are really experiencing on the inside. Unresolved shame creates stress and anxiety and, if this is not dealt with, then panic attacks are likely at some point.

    Another cause of panic attacks can be through the nervous system becoming over sensitised due to a significant emotional event or trauma. Things such as a break-ups, bereavements, or serious accidents, can all trigger panic attacks. In these cases the nervous system becomes sensitised and there can be a feeling of being overloaded, like life is too much. In these cases, even the slightest thing not going to plan can trigger a panic attack.

    Whilst therapeutic intervention is often necessary to treat panic attacks, here are a few things you can do to begin taking control.

    1. Slow down – Whose pace are you living at? Is it your own pace, the pace you are comfortable operating at? Or is it the pace that the people in your life seem to demanding of you?

    2. Remember to breathe – One of the first signs of a panic attack is that of restricted breathing. Take time to bring your attention to your breath and consciously allow it to deepen. This will help you to relax and feel more in control.

    3. Lifestyle changes – Less alcohol, sugar, fast food and caffeine. More sleep, healthy food, exercise and play.

    4. Create space – Create space in your daily life to simply be. Space to do nothing but relax and be with yourself - because you are worth it!

    The above can bring about some positive change but you may also benefit from some professional help to set yourself completely free of panic attacks with the  expertise of the Hypnotherapists at Hypnotherapy Associates.

    Through Hypnosis with an experienced Hypnotherapist in London, you can find relief of panic attacks.  Hypnosis helps to clear the mind of stressful thinking so you have more clarity and perspective as you go through your day, feeling calmer and in control.  We also provide hypnosis recordings as part of your sessions to listen to after the sessions, which reinforces the powerful suggestions to maintain a calmer, more confident state instead of panic and anxiety.

    Panic attacks can be successfully treated with hypnotherapy. The Hypnotherapists at Hypnotherapy Associates have helped many clients free themselves of panic attacks, which means we can probably help you also. If you have any questions about how this can happen, or would like to book an appointment, then please email or call.

    We look forward to hearing from you. 

    The Hypnotherapists in London at Hypnotherapy Associates

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